Huskie Nation, The Breckenridge Board of Education will hold a special board meeting on May 5, 2021 in the HS media center beginning at 4:00pm. Sincerely, Julayne Goward Board of Education Secretary
almost 4 years ago, Brooklyn
Check out our May Edition of Huskie News!
almost 4 years ago, Wade Slavik
We are loving our new app and website! Access documents, events, news updates, and even emergency notifications, right from your pocket. Download the app on Android: or iPhone:
almost 4 years ago, Wade Slavik
Attention HPLC and GSRP parents! On April 19th, MDHHS released an updated order. It requires all children 2 or older to put forth a "good faith effort" to have students wear masks. Beginning on April 26, our GSRP and HPLC students will implement our "good faith effort" and have students masked in situations where social distancing cannot be maintained. Attached is the link to the updated order as well as a document provided by child care licensing.,9753,7-406-98178_98455-557116--,00.html
almost 4 years ago, Wade Slavik
Masks 2+
Breckenridge Community Schools continue to test our student athletes in accordance with MDHHS orders. The letter from the BCS Board of Education has been forwarded to the MDHHS and posted publicly in an effort to voice the BCS Board of Education's stance on the mandated testing and strain it has on BCS, our staff, students, and families.
almost 4 years ago, Wade Slavik
Happy Administrative Professionals Day to Ms. Brooklyn Smith, Ms. Erin Mayle, Ms. Cathy Clingenpeel, Ms. Katie Short, and Ms. Jill Crofoot! Thank you for all you do for our staff and students at BCS.
almost 4 years ago, Bryan Morrison
See the Breckenridge Community Schools Board of Education's letter regarding testing of athletes.
almost 4 years ago, Wade Slavik
Athletic Testing-BOE
Thank you DTE, Next Level Graphics, Breckenridge Village Council, Breckenridge Area Action Committee, and Linda Laurenz for your support of our school and community! Drive through Breckenridge to check them out.
almost 4 years ago, Bryan Morrison
Lamp post signs
ATTENTION 2018, 2019, 2020 BRECKENRIDGE GRADUATES! Applications are due Friday, May 21, 2021 If you are a full-time college, university, or vocational student and have an overall college GPA of 3.00 on a 4.00 scale you are eligible to apply for an ALUMNI SCHOLARSHIP. Send an OFFICIAL college transcript (which comes directly from the university in a SEALED envelope or sent electronically) including the 2021 semester just ending, an updated resume with your current address. If you are unable to obtain an official transcript by the deadline, please call the school and speak with Mrs. Pilmore or Mrs. Giles to make arrangements at (989) 842-3182. For more information please go to the website below:
almost 4 years ago, Wade Slavik
We've updated our website! Check it out! We also have an app to make our website easier to access on your mobile device. Go to the apple or play store and download the "Breckenridge Community Schools" app.
almost 4 years ago, Wade Slavik
Excited to receive our new laminator for the elementary! Thank you Mrs. Dayringer for writing this grant. Special thanks to Gratiot County Community Foundation for supporting Breckenridge Elementary! We appreciate you!
almost 4 years ago, Wade Slavik
Please see the attached letter in response to today's update by Governor Whitmer.
almost 4 years ago, Wade Slavik
The PSAT/SAT test will be given to anyone who is in the building next week. Students on quarantine will not test unless they are 11th grade students. A make-up SAT test will be given to Juniors who choose to take it on April 27th. For 8th, 9th, and 10th graders, testing is not mandatory so no make-up will be given. 6th, 7th, and 12th grade students will meet virtually on Tuesday, April 13.
almost 4 years ago, Katie Short
Attention BCS parents and athletes! Following the current MDHHS guidelines to test on a weekly basis, BCS administration has decided to test all necessary athletes on Monday mornings prior to school. Testing will take place from 7 am to 8 am on Monday mornings in the high school gym. If students ride the bus for morning transportation, they will be able to test on arrival in the morning. If students drive or can be dropped off by parents, we ask that you try to arrive early to space out our testing. This decision was made to ensure that if a positive test occurs, we can reduce the number of students required to quarantine due to following "close contact" guidelines. Thank you parents for your continued support during this process.
almost 4 years ago, Wade Slavik
Attention parents of spring athletes! Here is an FAQ document for spring sports testing.
almost 4 years ago, Wade Slavik
Hope you’re enjoying spring break! Check out our April newsletter!
almost 4 years ago, Bryan Morrison
BCS is gathering interest in summer learning opportunities. Please fill out the following survey to help us in our planning of summer offerings. Thank you.
almost 4 years ago, Wade Slavik
BCS will no longer plan for "virtual snow days" upon return from spring break. Please see the memo from Mr. Slavik for more details.
almost 4 years ago, Wade Slavik
No more virtual snow days
BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION: The Elementary and Middle/High School are enrolled in the Box Tops for Education program. Download the ALL-NEW Box Tops app from the Play Store, shop as you normally would, then simply scan your store receipts to find participating products. The app will automatically credit your school's Box Tops earnings online. Physical box tops clips are being phased out of production but may continue to be found on many products throughout the store. Send your clipped Box Tops, along with any unexpired clips you may have at home, with your student or you can drop them off at the Elementary or Middle/High School offices.
about 4 years ago, Breckenridge Community Schools