Welcome to Breckenridge High/Middle School!

School Hours:
Doors open at 7:40 AM - Classes begin at 8:00 AM.
Busses will be dropping students off in front of the high school office. If you are dropping your student off, please use the west parking lot off of Wright St.
End of Day 3:00
After school is released, busses will pick students up in front of the High School office. If you are picking your student up, please use the west parking lot off of Wright St. If your student needs a bus pass to a different location than they normally ride to, please call the High school office no later than 2:00 PM with your students name and the address of where they will be riding to that day.

Helpful Links
Breckenridge Middle/High School
700 Wright St.
Breckenridge, MI 48615
Phone: (989) 842-3182
Fax: (989) 842-5761
Office Staff
Freddie Willbanks, Principal (ext. 1400)
Phil Baldwin, Dean of Students/Athletic Director (ext. 1403)
Tommy Cannon, Middle/High School Counselor (ext. 1423)
Kathryn Kaiser, MS/HS Administrative Assistant (ext. 1402)
Katie Short, Athletic Secretary (ext. 1401)