Welcome to Breckenridge Elementary!

School Hours:
Doors Open 7:30- School Day begins 7:50
Bus will be dropping off students at school in the southwest parking lot by the front office. If you are dropping off a student please use the service drive off McClelland Rd (baseball field side) to drop off in the drop off line or walk your student to the door.
End of Day 2:50
After school is released, bus riding students will be sent through the gym door (18) to the buses in the southwest parking lot. Students being picked up will be at the east door (baseball field side) and will be ready to be picked up. Please use the service drive off McClelland Rd to follow the line and pick up your student. If you need to come in the building, please park in the east parking lot.
If you need to change your child's transportation for the day please call the office no later than 2:00 p.m.
Drop Off and Pick Up Line:

Helpful Links
Breckenridge Elementary School
515 Summit St.
Breckenridge, MI 48615
Phone: (989) 842-3182
Fax: (989) 842-5655
Office Staff
David Kanine, Principal (Ext: 2200)
Joslyn Esquivel, Administrative Assistant (Ext: 2202)
Deborah Bartlett, Secretary
(Ext: 2201)