Board of Education
Board Members

Amanda Staley, President (2026)
Heather Corbat, Vice President (2028)
Julayne Goward, Secretary (2028)
Bridget McPherson, Treasurer (2026)
Nate Tester (2028)
Barb Giles, Trustee (2028)
Jerry Loyselle, Trustee (2028)
The Board of Education of the Breckenridge Community Schools, Gratiot, Isabella, Midland and Saginaw Counties, Michigan will hold Regular Meetings on the third Monday of each month. Said meetings to be held at 6:00 p.m. in the High School/Middle School Media Center.
The Board of Education Work Sessions will normally be held on Monday one week preceding the Regular Board Meetings at 6:00 p.m. in the High School/Middle School Media Center.
The Board of Education may hold Board Workshops or Special Meetings as needed. Any of these additional meetings will be posted in accordance to the Open Meetings Act.
To view a Schedule of yearly meetings please click here