Transportation has the amazing job of being the first and last people to be in contact with our students each day. Our student's safety is our transportation team's number 1 priority. Please help to keep our Huskies safe!
over 3 years ago, Wade Slavik
Bus Reminder
We are saddened to share that one of our students, Trent Carter, died in a car accident on August 21st. Arrangements are being made and we will share the information as it becomes available. Counselors will be available in the HS cafeteria tomorrow, Monday, August 23, from 11 am to 2 pm. All students are welcome to attend.
over 3 years ago, Wade Slavik
Last chance for a 2020-2021 Breckenridge Elementary Yearbook! Do you or your student want a yearbook from last school year? You can order yearbooks following the information below. Please make sure to use last year's grade when filling information out for your student. Yearbooks will be sent to the school and will be distributed to students when school starts. Cost: $10 each Go to: Enter School ID code:14423821 Complete student information and payment process.
over 3 years ago, Wade Slavik
Change in dates due to an update to the 2021 Varsity Football Schedule! Homecoming 2021 will take place on Friday, October 8th. Our Huskies will be playing Carson City-Crystal at 7 pm.
over 3 years ago, Wade Slavik
Breckenridge Elementary is looking for a Kindergarten Teacher to join our team. Please see the attached posting!
over 3 years ago, Brooklyn
Kindergarten Teacher Position
It's a big week for many of our area youth! The Gratiot County Fair is this week. Best of luck to all of our Huskies as they participate! Have a great week!
over 3 years ago, Wade Slavik
Attention Parents of Breckenridge Elementary Students! Do you or your student want a yearbook from last school year? You can order yearbooks following the information below. Please make sure to use last year's grade when filling information out for your student. Yearbooks will be sent to the school and will be distributed to students when school starts. Cost: $10 each Go to: Enter School ID code:14423821 Complete student information and payment process.
over 3 years ago, Wade Slavik
BES Yearbook
Breckenridge Community Schools is hiring a Full Time Custodian. Please see the posting below for details!
over 3 years ago, Brooklyn
Full Time Custodian
The Board of Education of the Breckenridge Community Schools will have their regular August board meeting. Monday August 9, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. in the HS Media Center instead of Monday August 16, 2021. Please contact the Superintendent's office if you have any questions? 989-842-3182 ext 5.
over 3 years ago, Brooklyn
See our latest Back to School information!
over 3 years ago, Wade Slavik
B2School P1
B2School P2
Reminder! Transportation will not be provided tomorrow, July 20th for Summer STEAM Camp and HS Credit Recovery. Summer Food Delivery/Pick up will be on Wednesday and Thursday, July 21st & 22nd this week.
over 3 years ago, Wade Slavik
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that there will be a meeting of the Board of Education of Breckenridge Community Schools, Gratiot, Midland and Saginaw Counties, Michigan on July 19, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. At said meeting, the Board of Education will consider for approval its proposed Sate Aid Note (General Obligation - Limited Tax).
over 3 years ago, Brooklyn
Limited Tax Pledge Notice
Breckenridge Elementary will hold a Preschool Application Open House on Thursday, July 22nd from 2:00 to 6:00pm. Staff will guide families through the GSRP Young 4 application process. Bring your child's birth certificate and your W2s for income verification. Huskie Pup Registration information will also be available. This event is for new and incomplete applications only. Enrollment is not guaranteed. Contact Mrs. Abby Pryor at with any questions.
over 3 years ago, Wade Slavik
HPLC/GSRP Open house
Breckenridge High School is looking for a Varsity Girls Golf Coach. Contact Mr. Sklener if interested.
over 3 years ago, Wade Slavik
Varsity Girls Golf
BCS Transportation has mandatory training scheduled on Tuesday, July 20th. Therefore, transportation will not be provided on July 20th for Summer STEAM Camp and HS Credit Recovery. Also, due to our transportation department attending this training, our Summer Food Delivery/Pick up will be on Wednesday and Thursday, July 21st & 22nd next week.
over 3 years ago, Wade Slavik
Want to be part of our Huskie Team? Check out our postings!
over 3 years ago, Wade Slavik
Title I para
BES Sec.
GSRP Assist.
Breckenridge Summer Programs are back! Summer STEAM Camp and HS credit recovery start back up after a week off last week! Classes resume tomorrow, Tuesday July 13th from 8 am to noon. Classes are on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday each week. Meal delivery and pick take occur on Tuesday and Thursday each week. Summer programs will run through August 12th.
over 3 years ago, Wade Slavik
The Breckenridge Community Schools Board of Education will hold a Special Board Meeting on July 6th at 4 pm. The meeting may be attended in person or via zoom Meeting ID: 931 1737 5427 Passcode: 2g40Tv
over 3 years ago, Wade Slavik
Have a great 4th of July Weekend!
over 3 years ago, Wade Slavik
4th of July
Summer STEAM camp (K-5 summer school) and HS credit recovery will be off for the week of July 5th-July 9th. The Summer Food/Delivery Program will also be off during the week. Thank you to our Huskie Staff for providing these additional services this summer! Have a great 4th of July weekend!
over 3 years ago, Wade Slavik