PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that there will be a meeting of the Board of Education of Breckenridge Community Schools, Gratiot, Midland and Saginaw Counties, Michigan on July 19, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. At said meeting, the Board of Education will consider for approval its proposed Sate Aid Note (General Obligation - Limited Tax).
Breckenridge Elementary will hold a Preschool Application Open House on Thursday, July 22nd from 2:00 to 6:00pm. Staff will guide families through the GSRP Young 4 application process. Bring your child's birth certificate and your W2s for income verification. Huskie Pup Registration information will also be available. This event is for new and incomplete applications only. Enrollment is not guaranteed. Contact Mrs. Abby Pryor at with any questions.
Breckenridge High School is looking for a Varsity Girls Golf Coach. Contact Mr. Sklener if interested.
BCS Transportation has mandatory training scheduled on Tuesday, July 20th.
Therefore, transportation will not be provided on July 20th for Summer STEAM Camp and HS Credit Recovery.
Also, due to our transportation department attending this training, our Summer Food Delivery/Pick up will be on Wednesday and Thursday, July 21st & 22nd next week.
Want to be part of our Huskie Team? Check out our postings!
Breckenridge Summer Programs are back!
Summer STEAM Camp and HS credit recovery start back up after a week off last week! Classes resume tomorrow, Tuesday July 13th from 8 am to noon. Classes are on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday each week.
Meal delivery and pick take occur on Tuesday and Thursday each week.
Summer programs will run through August 12th.
The Breckenridge Community Schools Board of Education will hold a Special Board Meeting on July 6th at 4 pm.
The meeting may be attended in person or via zoom
Meeting ID: 931 1737 5427
Passcode: 2g40Tv
Have a great 4th of July Weekend!
Summer STEAM camp (K-5 summer school) and HS credit recovery will be off for the week of July 5th-July 9th.
The Summer Food/Delivery Program will also be off during the week.
Thank you to our Huskie Staff for providing these additional services this summer!
Have a great 4th of July weekend!
ATTENTION GOLFERS: There will be 2 one day golf camps offered to all middle school and high school students interested in golf. This camp is free to attend. The camp will be held at The Ridge here in Breckenridge. The dates are as follows:
June 22nd @ 1:00pm
July 20th @ 1:00pm
If you have any questions or would like to attend, please contact Golf Coach Joel Parks at
Today is a day of mixed emotions. We are sad to see our A-wing go, but excited for the new addition. This building has touched the lives of so many! Farewell A-wing!
BCS Summer Information
Bond work will be taking place in both buildings over the summer. Check out our newsletter for more information on this summer's bond work.
Summer Office Hours
Monday-Thursday 8am -3pm
Friday 8am - 1 pm
Summer School/Credit Recovery
Begins June 15th - August 12 (except for the week of July 5th)
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 8 am to Noon
Summer Food Program
Delivery/Pick Up from 9 am to 11 am on Tuesdays and Thursdays during weeks that Summer School/Credit Recovery are running. If you have not yet, please fill out the form to participate.
Have a great Summer Huskies!
Have a great summer Huskies!
The BCS Transportation Department will be hosting our Bus Roadeo on Thursday, June 10th from 11 am until 3 pm. Please contact Mr. Bruce Hillman if you are interested in attending. Contact information - or 989-842-3182 option 6.
BCS is excited to be able to offer our Summer Food Program. In order to participate, we need the following information from you. Please take this short 4 question survey to sign up your student(s) for the program. Please contact Michele Collins if you have any questions at
Breckenridge Community Schools is excited to be able to offer our summer food program this summer. We will offer delivery to those who use BCS transportation and pick up for those who live in town each Tuesday and Thursday for 8 weeks over the summer. Food delivery will take place between 9 and 11 am each Tuesday and Thursday via school bus. Pick up will be available from Noon to 2 pm each Tuesday and Thursday by the elementary school kitchen. The summer food program will run from June 15th to August 12th (except for the week of July 5th). If you have questions or want to ensure your student(s) are included, please contact Mrs. Michele Collins at
**Breckenridge High School Virtual Students**
Dates and times for drop off of school materials, Chromebooks & chargers, class books, and calculators will be as follows:
6/9 Wednesday -- 1:00pm-3:00pm
6/10 Thursday -- 8:00am-12:00pm and 1:00pm-3:00pm
6/11 Friday -- 8:00-12:00pm and 1:00-3:00pm
Drop off will be in the media center.
Congratulations to our baseball and softball teams! Both teams are 2021 MSAC League Champions! Let’s go Huskies!
Happy Memorial Day Huskies!
Due to the rain and winds expected this morning. We are postponing today's scheduled Bus Roadeo until Thursday, June 10th at 11 am. Please contact Mr. Bruce Hillman if you are interested in attending.
Contact information - or 989-842-3182 option 6, online form